Sunday, February 28, 2010


Will was baptized today and it was really cool to see a lot of us there to support him. Super proud of him in making this commitment and excited for him!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


sorry that there's now two mackenzie's following this blog... LOL. i have two google accounts and i forgot which one i was using for here. 

anyways, three quick things.

1. my friend dianne has a shirt with a banana beating up a monkey. okay, maybe the violence between the banana and monkey is just IMPLIED. but it was still funny since jessica and i were amused and she had no idea what was going on.

2. i hate how february is such a slacker and doesn't even bother to finish off the three last days of any NORMAL month. it is throwing me off. "math test on 3/2/10" should be farther away!

3. when i try to tell stories about us bowling with our off hand at three in the morning... i start talking/laughing so loud and then going off into other tangents and otherwise being a spaz that my face physically hurt after lunch last week.

that is all.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

road trip

life is a road trip that god made for us, but we dont know where we are going, so we are only for the ride. There are some bumps in the road, meet new people, and lose some =/... But god wants us to move on because there is something in our future that will make up for it =)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


If you give Kristin a High Five tomorrow night you can win a prize! You should not tell any one because then your ruin your chances in getting the prize!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day One for Swimming!

Good luck to everyone that are starting swimming this week!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wow, what a night!

Wow, what a night! I don't know where to start in talking about the all nighter. We had 11 youth took the challenge on staying up all night with out sleeping. We had a lot of fun playing a video games, photo scavenger hunt, bowling, and then a little Denny's for some early breakfast! I ended up sleeping all day and I can't really find the right words to tell you how the event went so I will let you see for you self.
Fun Times

You know I found out that this is not a Starbucks worker!

A picture with a Statue (great picture)

Come on did you have to wake up Mike?

Denny's hanging out and getting fuel to finish strong!

Lets just say that Kristin could only hold up until the sun came up, But still proud of her

If you guys have a pictures of the night post them!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nothing big but I cant sleep so why not post!

Hey guys,
Tonight, nothing big going on just still planning for the fun all nighter! Oh big thanks to the girls that took Kristin to see the movie last week, she really had a fun time! And I am so sorry that I couldn't make it, I had to ... well yea thanks again she loved it! So what was your guys favorite super bowl commercial? I really like the Doritos one with the little kid slapping his momma's date telling him what not to do "don't touch my momma, and don't touch my Doritos!". That one was funny!

Well I keep telling all of you to post a picture about something funny and I thought I should do what I ask for others to do. Well the first one is not really funny but when I was going through my pictures I past my wedding photos and thought to at least post one. She is the coolest person!

And Rowdy... he is something else. I started a new class online today and this picture made me think about reading for class so I posted it!

Can't wait for the All Nighter, Please let us know how many friends are coming if any so we can make sure everything is all good! Have a great day!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

*gasp* i actually figured out how to do this!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hahaha, good times, good times! Youth group is so much fun!
Whoa!!! First person to join... not countin Jon or Kristin!!! =P

Another memorable night at youth group!

Last night was memorable for many different reasons. There was an epic game of pictionary that took place and some amazing discussion about the message this past Sunday but the part that stuck out the most was deciding on a mission trip this summer. Going into last night I was not sure what to expect I had about 11 different options to pick from and wasn’t sure where to go. So, we decided to have the youth help us. After discussing all the trips and who they would be working with at each location we asked the Youth to take 5 minutes to pray about where to go and not to talk to anyone else. When we gathered after the 5 minutes we had everyone close their eyes and raise their hand when the trip they felt they were called to was announced. One after one I named the trips with no hands, I was getting closer to the last few trips and then all of a sudden almost every hand was raised. I truly felt God at work last night as I as well was called to that same location. I am so excited to see what God has in store for us!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hello Everyone! I wanted to welcome everyone to the New Mutiny website where you can find out about events, whats going on during events, and a place where you can ask questions about the bible, or even funny things. This is a place where we can post pictures of fun things that happen in Youth Group or about life and give positive comments to each other. Kristin or I will post something at least once a week, however we would like to see the youth group post about whats going on in your life as well.

The First Event!
Beacon Youth Group All Nighter!!!!

When: Sunday, February 14 at 5pm to Monday, February 15 with pick up at 7am to 9 am (please let us know if transportation to and from is an issue)

Where: The Abbas’
1855 E. Rose Ave. Apt. 4B, Orange, CA 92687
-Off Tustin Ave. between Collins and Walnut across the street from McDonalds

Activities: Games, Photo Scavenger Hunt, Movies, Bowling and breakfast at Denny’s

Photo Scavenger Hunt-

- The Photo Scavenger Hunt starts at 6pm, which means you, need to be at the Abbas’ house before that starts to be involved with the game.
- If you can’t then please meet us a 9pm at the Abbas’ place for the rest of the night


Cost: $20 for bowling and denny’s (dinner will be provided)

What to bring: any games, movies, drinks and snacks you want (no energy drinks sorry). Pillow, sleeping bag and any other overnight things you will need.

Youth Permission Form

Click here for the image

If you or a friend have not been to an event this year, please fill out this form before you arrive at the event. Thank you! :)