Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hello Everyone! I wanted to welcome everyone to the New Mutiny website where you can find out about events, whats going on during events, and a place where you can ask questions about the bible, or even funny things. This is a place where we can post pictures of fun things that happen in Youth Group or about life and give positive comments to each other. Kristin or I will post something at least once a week, however we would like to see the youth group post about whats going on in your life as well.

The First Event!
Beacon Youth Group All Nighter!!!!

When: Sunday, February 14 at 5pm to Monday, February 15 with pick up at 7am to 9 am (please let us know if transportation to and from is an issue)

Where: The Abbas’
1855 E. Rose Ave. Apt. 4B, Orange, CA 92687
-Off Tustin Ave. between Collins and Walnut across the street from McDonalds

Activities: Games, Photo Scavenger Hunt, Movies, Bowling and breakfast at Denny’s

Photo Scavenger Hunt-

- The Photo Scavenger Hunt starts at 6pm, which means you, need to be at the Abbas’ house before that starts to be involved with the game.
- If you can’t then please meet us a 9pm at the Abbas’ place for the rest of the night


Cost: $20 for bowling and denny’s (dinner will be provided)

What to bring: any games, movies, drinks and snacks you want (no energy drinks sorry). Pillow, sleeping bag and any other overnight things you will need.


Youth Permission Form

Click here for the image

If you or a friend have not been to an event this year, please fill out this form before you arrive at the event. Thank you! :)